The programme for the Geneva Colloquium includes three sessions, the description of which can be found on the following pages:

 11 – Construction of the CLG

Organizer : DANIELE GAMBARARA, Dipartimento Studi Umanistici, Università della Calabria. Président du Cercle Ferdinand de Saussure.

12 – Didactics of the CLG

Organizer :  ECATERINA BULEA BRONCKART, Unité de didactique des Langues, Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l’Education, Université de Genève.

Page web

13 – Translations of the CLG

Organizer : JOHN JOSEPH, School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, The University of Edinburgh.

Page web


Each of the parallel sessions of this Colloquium included one or more plenary speakers, chosen by the organizer, and of course slected papers.

In addition, “independent” workshops (detached from sessions) have been included in the program of the Geneva Colloquium. We invite you to read carefully the presentations of these workshops, including the abstracts of their communications and, eventually, the full text of those communications, on the "independent" workshops page.